Skirmute Udrenaite # Lithuania # Beauty of the Swiss Alps
Sonya Tanae Fort # USA # Missionaries
Spyros Kotzambassis # Greece # Fog in Madrid
Swati Ahluwalia # India # Tribals of Odisha, India
Takuhi Kramti-Sirinyan # Netherlands # Travel with Me, Across the Sea
Tanya Dzhoraeva # Russia # Travel to Georgia
Tassos Datsis # Greece # Where Am I
Terry Thorpe # UK # Bryce Canyon, Utah
Terry Thorpe # UK # Kansas!
Thomas Lloyd # Wales # Touching Down
Vania Syrmou # Greece # Πλέοντας στον Μολδάβα
Viv Walker # Northern Ireland # Ambition
Viv Walker # Northern Ireland # Time to Chill
Yan Jin # China # Untitled I
Yan Jin # China # Untitled II
Yiannis Galanakis # Greece # Τraveller
Photography exhibition
Exhibition Duration: 20 September – 2 October 2024
Travel photography captures more than just picturesque landscapes and exotic destinations, it tells stories and evokes emotions. Each image has the power to transport viewers to distant places, allowing them to experience the beauty, culture, and uniqueness of a location from the comfort of their home towns. The visual narrative created by travel photography can inspire, broaden perspectives, and foster a greater appreciation for diverse cultures and natural wonders. By encapsulating the essence of varied places, travel photography not only preserves fleeting moments but also forges connections across continents, enriching global understanding and fostering a more nuanced perspective of our shared world.
Participating artists:
Al Treder # USA
Alperr Padiernos # Philippines
Anita Schiedeck # Germany
Antonina Zazulina # Sweden
Antonis D. Makrydimitris # Greece
Beki Cowey # UK
Benjamin Anshin # Japan
Benny Lau # Hong Kong
Bob Ware # USA
Brigitte Satori Constantinescu # Germany
Carmen Villar Rivas # Spain
Caroline Peppiatt # Germany
Christos Magoulas # Greece
Craig P. Burrows # USA
Daphne Mitsiou # Greece
Dave Hanson # USA
David Horvath # UK
David M. Root # USA
Demetriusz Wenglarczyk # Poland
Eddy Verloes # Belgium
Eftychia Kazouka # France-Greece
Ellen van Wingerden # Netherlands
Fioreciela Apanomeritaki # Greece
Giannis Ambatzoglou # Greece
Giannis Paparis # Greece
Greta Schehola # Norway
Hary Fuller # France
Henri Kandiyoti # Turkey
Ionel Simioana # Romania
Isidoros Printezis # Greece
Jean Christophe Beauvais # France/Argentina
Jeff Rothstein # USA
Jens Blume # Denmark
John Potter # USA
John Vlachakis # USA
Karineh Gurjian # USA
Kata Kerenyi # Hungary
Kleopatra Nikolaidou # Greece
Kristine Rudziankova # Latvia
Kristopher Schoenleber # USA
Kylo-Patrick Hart # USA
Kyriakos Anastasopoulos # Greece
Ladka Kurzrock # Czech Republic
Lazerous Darzentas # USA
Lim Sau Kong # Malaysia
Lucia Simion # Romania
Luciana Salemi # Italy
Magdalena Szata # Poland
Makis Bokaris # Greece
Mara Marini # Greece
Marcello Botarelli # Italy
Margarida Palma # Portugal
Margarita Samartzi # Greece
Maria Reverberi # Peru
Maria Sereti # Greece
Marilena Stamouli # Greece
Mark A. Dierker # USA
Markus Schnabel # Germany
Mary Sue Weinstein # USA
Maureen Vastardis # USA
Michael Banifatov # Israel
Mick Stetson # USA
Mike Mills # UK
Mila Mokina-Khairullova # Russia
Mohsen Khani # Iran
Never Edit # Germany
Nikolaos Papadakos # Greece
Noel-Demulier # France
Pablo Fanque # Russia
Panagiotis Pitsoulis # Greece
Patrycja Suchanska # Poland
Pawel Krzywon-Majewski # Poland
Petros Heliotis # Greece
Rainer Wuerth # Germany
Richard Bidgood # USA
Robert Barcia # USA
Root Yarden # Israel
Rosemary Miklitsch # USA
Rumjhum Ray Chaudhuri # India
Savvas Tzanis # Greece
Simone Botarelli # Italy
Sivapoom Yamasaki # Thailand
Skirmute Udrenaite # Lithuania
Sonya Tanae Fort # USA
Spyros Kotzambassis # Greece
Swati Ahluwalia # India
Takuhi Kramti-Sirinyan # Netherlands
Tanya Dzhoraeva # Russia
Tassos Datsis # Greece
Terry Thorpe # UK
Thomas Lloyd # Wales
Vania Syrmou # Greece
Viv Walker # Northern Ireland
Yan Jin # China
Yiannis Galanakis # Greece