Exhibition – Street Phtography 2024

Photography exhibition
Street Phtography

Exhibition Duration:
17 May – 29 May 2024

Street Photography is always interesting, especially as everyday scenes are turned into a photographic set and the captured moment is going to be seen by a lot of people. Street photographers do not necessarily have a social purpose in mind, but they isolate and capture moments which might otherwise go unnoticed. In Street Photography everyday people, leading ordinary lives, are transformed into the stars of the scene. The photographs taken are spontaneous and capture subjects in their most authentic state. They are always viewed with great interest, as people who see them try to get the feeling of the moment, the atmosphere they carry. Nobody pretends to be something different from what they are, and this sincerity is highly appreciated by the viewers.

Participating artists:

Andrew Hendrick # USA
Al Joseph A. Lumen # Philippines
Alanna Wilson # Canada
Alberto Gallego # Spain
Alejandro Torres # Argentina
Alida Volpi # Italy
Alkiviades Konstantopoulos # Greece
Amo Passicos # France
Andrian Legaspi # Philippines
Anthony Horne # UK
Antonina Zazulina # Sweden
Antonis Danas # Greece
Aris Papaioannou # Greece
Arman Kuzel # Turkey
Arun Pant # India
Beki Cowey # UK
Bill Hertha # Canada
Bob Ware # USA
Charles Crain # USA
Christine Kemp # USA
Christos Magoulas # Greece
Cleopatra Arapoglou # Greece
Dafni Mitsiou # Greece
Dan Cook # USA
Darren Lehane # UK
David M Root # USA
Dimitris Dimas (Blue Chip) # Greece
Doug Turetsky # USA
Eddy Verloes # Belgium
Edward Stern # USA
Eftychia Kazouka # France/Greece
Emmanouil Tsichlakis # Greece
Evangelos Leivaditis # Greece
Fioreciela Apanomeritaki # Greece
Frederic Deschenes # Canada
Gary Hill # UK/Australia
Gary W. Kuroki # USA
George Bloukas # Greece
Gerald Gutschmidt # Germany
Gianna Gkartzopoulou # Greece
Giorgos Angelis # Greece
Greta Schehola # Norway
Guy Lambrechts # Belgium
Henri Kandiyoti # Turkey
Huseyin Girgin # Turkey
Ioanna Enezli # Greece
Ioannis Paparis # Greece
Ionel Simioana # Romania
Isidoros Printezis # Greece
Jake Greenup # Canada
Jean-Christophe Beauvais # France
Jere Hiltunen
John Giannatos # Greece
John H Rhodes # UK
Jung-Chul Hur # South Korea
Kata Kerenyi # Hungary
Kostas Lagos # Greece
Kyle Agee # USA
Kylo-Patrick Hart # USA
Linda Kokkores # Greece
Lucia Simion # Romania
Margarida Palma # Portugal
Maria Giannopoulou # Greece
Maria Labriadou # Greece
Mariia Sokor # Ukraine
Max Cavitch # USA
Max Marienko # USA
Maya Aleshkevich # Russia
Merja Varkemaa # Finland
Michael Kiakidis # Greece
Michael Sakatis # Greece
Never Edit # Germany
Nick Melistas # Greece
Nikolaos Fragos # Greece
Nikolaos Papadakos # Greece
Nikos Kapsianis # Greece
Noel Demulier # France
Paul Kessel # USA
Paul Lewis # Canada
Pavlos Athitakis # Greece
Paweł Krzywon-Majewski # Poland
Petros Heliotis # Greece
Rajan Dosaj # USA
Ralph Tepel # Germany
Ramses Allende # Peru
Renata Nemeth # Hungary
Richard Bidgood # USA
Rick Lingo # USA
Robert Barcia # USA
Robert Brook # UK
Rytis Gervickas # Lithuania
Sharon Eilon # Israel
Sofia Vasileiou # Greece
Stathis Mandalakis # Greece
Suz Lipman # USA
Terry Thorpe # UK
Thouly Dosios # USA
Tina Hendberg # Sweden
Tyrrel Jonns & Lena Davis # Australia



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