Anthony Freeman # UK # Waffles – Chicken, Scarborough
Anthony Rampersad # Trinidad – Tobago # Snowy Night, Knoxville
Antonis Kollias # Greece # Tales of the Rays
Anzila Adeen # India # Highlighted
Barry Perlus # USA # Nightscape – Locust Grove
Beth Roe # USA # Glacier National Park
Caroline Peppiatt # Germany # Bridge – Dock
Christos Magoulas # Greece # Resurrection
Christy Mandeville # USA # Early Morning Lullaby
Ciarly Crain # USA # Sonoran Desert Twilight
David Adler # USA # Moonrise
Clio Papaspyrou # Greece # Nottingham Nights A Study – 1982
Dimitrios Kanellopoulos # Greece # We are the Borg
Dimitris Neratzoulis # Greece # Untitled
Dimitris Psilopoulos # Greece # Crosswalk
Diran Kalaydjian # Greece # Chat
Dorothea Craven # Germany # Twighlight in New York City
Ellie Coulson # UK # A Celebration in the Night
Eddy Verloes # Belgium # Take Off
Evangelos Bozas # Greece # Shapes of Light
Ezio Gianni Murzi # Italy # Lovers at the Settimio Severo Arch
Foteini Palieraki # Greece # Losing Compass
Georgios Kanakis # Greece # Wreckage
Giannis Ambatzoglou Greece # Athens-SNFCC
Greg Kunkle # USA # Abbie Light
Grigoris Filippatos # Greece # Untitled
Haris Papadimitropoulos # Greece # Η Βοή των Αστέρων
Helen DuWors # Canada # Swirling Christmas Lights
Henri Kandiyoti # Turkey # Make A Wish
Ioannis Myrmigiannis # Greeece # Untitled
Iana Zholud # Ukraine # City
Ioannis Xenikakis # Greece # The Night Lady
Janet Milhomme # USA # Fremont Theater
Jeanna French # USA # Mental Fever Dream
Jill Lawrence # USA # Sunset on Henry Island
Joanne Chase-Mattillo # USA # Finding The Casino
João Pedro Tavares # Portugal # Rush Hour
John Giannatos # Greece # Untitled
John Potter # USA # Night Racing
Julie Meric # France # Nothing Like the Night
Junko Miyama # Japan # Route 20-Sengawa 2choume 10-12-14
Kate Brogdon # USA # Gleaming Hotel Sign
Keisuke Takeda # Japan # Night Drip Reflection
Kelly Russo Petrick # USA # Joshua Tree at Night
Kim Leung # Hong Kong # Less Is More
Konstantinos Makaronas # Greece # Untitled
Kristopher Schoenleber # USA # Celestial Cape
Kyriakos Anastasopoulos # Greece # Water and Colours at Night!
Kylo-Patrick Hart # USA # Uphill
Mara Marini # Greece # Corinth Canal
Maks Dannecker # Germany # Untitled
Mara Pantazopoulou # Greece # Deep in Dark
Marc Ward # USA – 1. 2. Air Water No-67 No-67 – 3. Signal to the Heavens
Marevi Denaxa # Greece # Paracin
Margaret Bajada # Malta # Celebration of St Margaret
Margarita Samartzi # Greece # The Palace, Luxembourg
Margrieta Jeltema # Netherlands # The Volcanic Lake (Tuscia)
Maria Giannopoulou # Greece # The Loyal Night Friend
Marilena Stamouli # Greece # Joyous Night
Maria Panayotopoulou # Greece # Αδιάκριτες Σκιές
Mark A. Dierker # USA # Blowing the Stars Around
Markus Gruber # Austria # Invasion of Enlighted Aliens
Mary Sue Weinstein # USA # In Flight
Melissa Lohr # USA # Bodie Island Lighthouse
Maureen Vastardis # USA # Beacon
Morgan Glasper # USA # Bolts of Lightning
Motty Levy # Canada # Wild Dancing
Nick Apostolopoulos # Greece # Untitled
Nikos Fragos # Greece # Untitled
Noel Demulier # France # Viewpoint
Ourania Bantila # Greece # Purple Trees at Night
Panagiotis Lagouvardos # Greece # Trees Dressed Up to Be Nice
Peter Titze # Germany # Night in the City
Peter Zarkob # Spain # Cartuja Footbridge
Petros Heliotis # Greece # Illusion…
Philip Cho # South Korea # Magical Night at Mt. Rainier
Prentiss Findlay # UK # Celebration
Rebekah Helton # USA # If You Can Make It Here
Ritsa Karasmanoglou # Greece # My Town
Robindeep Singh # USA # Echoes of Darkness
Romain Miot # France # Embrace the Sun
Shulan Wang # China # Dream Solo Dance
Silvija Treice # Latvia # Night in Venice
Till Schmitz # Germany # Fire
Tina Hendberg # Sweden # Rua Santa Rita
Todd Felderstein # USA # Long Walk Home
Tony Ryan # UK # Walking in the Sunset
Tracey Suba # Canada # Bex at the Ex
Wang HuRui # China # Walk with a Golden Retriever before Sunrise
Xavier Blondeau # France # Nuit Indienne
Wendy Cantor McKnight # France-USA # Cloud over La Isleta del Moro
Xavier Rouchaud # France # Mont des Arts
Yuna Vita Renar # Japan # Light in the Night
Photography exhibition
Night Photography
Exhibition Duration: 4 November – 16 November 2022
In Night Photography the sun is absent, but we have a very intense presence of light through artificial sources. This makes Night Photography both challenging and impressive, as photographers have to pay attention to many technical details in order to produce a good image, but when this is succeeded the result is remarkable. In Night Photography the light and the shadow co-exist in all images and the camera lens makes this even more intense, as we can see things, we sometimes are not able to see with our own eyes. So, it gives us a more detailed vision of our surroundings and also a more colorful result from the one we see ourselves. It is always very intriguing to realise the beauty of the things around you that you have never paid attention to until they were shot.
Participating artists:
Abby Richardson # UK
Abby Valiant # USA
Afroditi Diamantopoulou # Greece
Al Treder # USA
Alessandra Antonini # Spain
Alessio Roberto # Italy
Alexandros Koumpoulas # Greece
Anirudh Koppula # India
Anita Schiedeck # Germany
Ann Dreyer # USA
Anna Kaunis # Russia
Anthony Freeman # UK
Anthony Rampersad # Trinidad & Tobago
Antonis Kollias # Greece
Anzila Adeen # India
Barry Perlus # USA
Beth Roe # USA
Caroline Peppiatt # Germany
Christos Magoulas # Greece
Christy Mandeville # USA
Ciarly Crain # USA
Clio Papaspyrou # Greece
David Adler # USA
Dimitrios Kanellopoulos # Greece
Dimitris Neratzoulis # Greece
Dimitris Psilopoulos # Greece
Diran Kalaydjian # Greece
Dorothea Craven # Germany
Eddy Verloes # Belgium
Ellie Coulson # UK
Evangelos Bozas # Greece
Ezio Gianni Murzi # Italy
Foteini Palieraki # Greece
Georgios Kanakis # Greece
Giannis Ambatzoglou Greece
Greg Kunkle # USA
Grigoris Filippatos # Greece
Haris Papadimitropoulos # Greece
Helen DuWors # Canada
Henri Kandiyoti # Turkey
Iana Zholud # Ukraine
Ioannis Myrmigiannis # Greeece
Ioannis Xenikakis # Greece
Janet Milhomme # USA
Jeanna French # USA
Jeffrey Sofroniou # UK
Jill Lawrence # USA
Joanne Chase-Mattillo # USA
João Pedro Tavares # Portugal
John Giannatos # Greece
John Potter # USA
Julie Meric # France
Junko Miyama # Japan
Kate Brogdon # USA
Keisuke Takeda # Japan
Kelly Russo Petrick # USA
Kim Leung # Hong Kong
Konstantinos Makaronas # Greece
Kristopher Schoenleber # USA
Kylo-Patrick Hart # USA
Kyriakos Anastasopoulos # Greece
Maks Dannecker # Germany
Mara Marini # Greece
Mara Pantazopoulou # Greece
Marc Ward # USA # Air & Water # No. 67.jpeg
Marevi Denaxa # Greece
Margaret Bajada # Malta
Margarita Samartzi # Greece
Margrieta Jeltema # Netherlands
Maria Giannopoulou # Greece
Maria Panayotopoulou # Greece
Marilena Stamouli # Greece
Mark A. Dierker # USA
Markus Gruber # Austria
Mary Sue Weinstein # USA
Maureen Vastardis # USA
Melissa Lohr # USA
Morgan Glasper # USA
Motty Levy # Canada
Nick Apostolopoulos # Greece
Nikos Fragos # Greece
Noel Demulier # France
Ourania Bantila # Greece
Panagiotis Lagouvardos # Greece
Peter Titze # Germany
Peter Zarkob # Spain
Petros Heliotis # Greece
Philip Cho # South Korea
Prentiss Findlay # UK
Rebekah Helton # USA
Ritsa Karasmanoglou # Greece
Robindeep Singh # USA
Romain Miot # France
Shulan Wang # China
Silvija Treice # Latvia
Till Schmitz # Germany
Tina.Hendberg # Sweden
Todd Felderstein # USA
Tony Ryan # UK
Tracey Suba # Canada
Wang HuRui # China
Wendy Cantor McKnight # France/USA
Xavier Blondeau # France
Yuna Vita Renar # Japan