Stephen Burdett # Australia # At The Setting Of The Sun
Stephan Wolf # Germany # Freiheitsstatue
Steve Lease # USA # HEFF, Studio Session, 2021
Stevie Newton # Scotland # Plastic Fantastic Inevitable
Sylvie Domergue # France # Tithonia Diversifolia
Terry Scopelliti # USA # Male Scapes
Tatiane Ertel # Brazil # Set to be Free
Terry Thorpe # UK # Post Modern Ophelia
Till Schmitz # Germany # Body Armour
Tony Ryan # UK # Solitude
Tricia Miho # USA # Rolling Heads 1
Vineeta Sharma # Canada # Imprint
Vasilis Kostoulas # Greece # Loss
Winish Chedi # Netherlands # Untitled
Wolfgang Galow # Germany # Teatime
Photography exhibition
Fine Art
Exhibition Duration: 29 October – 10 November 2021
“Fine Art” Photography is a different aspect of reality. A more poetic and artistic version of what we see around us. It is the world through the eyes of another individual. That is why it is interesting, although sometimes far from our perspective. Sometimes it comes as a surprise. We can see the artists’ inspiration, as well as their view of the world. Emphasis is on different details and things which can be insignificant to us emerge and gain importance. The result of all these is really amazing. Details we fail to notice acquire a totally new existence through the photographers’ lens.
Participating artists:
Al Treder # USA
Anatoliy Anshin
Andrea A. Gluckman # USA
Anirudh Koppula # India
Anna Dyatlivskay # Russia
Annie Williams # UK
Anthony Freeman # UK
Antonio Vargas # Colombia
Antonis Kollias # Greece
Archontia – Maria Madoni # Greece
Arend Thibodeau # USA
Arindam Kumar Buragohain # India
August Naude # South Africa
Bernice Williams # USA
Biletska Ganna # Ukraine
Carla Cosenza Mormile # Brazil
Carolina AArteaga # Mexico
Caroline Peppiatt # Germany
Celine Lundqvis # Sweden
Chris Bekos # Australia
Chrisa Kontogianni # Greece
Christopher Schneberger # USA
Christos Kyriazis # Greece
Christos Magoulas # Greece
Christos Provias # Greece
Costas Panagiotopoulos # Greece
Daniel Agra # Spain
Daniel Castonguay # Canada
Dave Hanson # USA
David Adler # USA
David Fontani # Italy
Dimitrios Paterakis # Greece
Dmitriy Belmaz # Russia
Dominika Koszowska # Poland
Doris Seybold # Austria
Eddy Verloes # Belgium
Edward Stern # Israel
Elemer Lelik # Hungary
Eleni Paroutoglou # Greece
Elli Chalari # Greece
Erminio Vanzan # Italy
Eszter Varga # Hungary
Fabienne Lawrence # USA
Flup Ja # Belgium
Frederic A. Crist # USA
Gabriel Cava # Peru
George Bloukas # Greece
Georgia Paraskevopoulou # Greece
Giorgio Gerardi # Italy
Gregory Herpe # France
Guillermo Espinosa # Spain
Hajizada Ruslan # Azerbaijan
Hal Gage # USA
Haris Malekos # Greece
Inbal Kristin # Israel
Iria Spiliopoulou # Greece
Isidoros Printezis # Greece
Jack Savage # UK
Janet Milhomme # USA
Jeremy Bach # USA
Jiabao Sun # China
Joao Pedro Tavares # Portugal
Jocasta # Greece
Jose-Maria Gomez-Ros # Spain
Juta Jazz # Lithuania
Kate Brogdon # USA
Kevin Boller # USA
Kmar Douagi # Tunisia
Kostas Doumas # Greece
Kyriakos Anastasopoulos # Greece
Leland Smith # USA
LIM Sau Kong # Malaysia
Liza Hennessey Botkin # USA
Lodiza LePore # USA
Lou Novick # USA
Luca Nebuloni # Italy
Lucia Melchiors # New Zealand
Lynne Breitfeller # USA
Madame HAIR # Canada
Manolis Soulos # Greece
Maria Drakaki # Greece
Maria Reverberi # Peru
Marilena Stamouli # Greece
Mark A. Dierker # USA
Markos Agianniotakis # Greece
Mary Sue Weinstein # USA
Maryam Ramezani # Iran
Maureen Haldeman # USA
Merja Varkemaa # Finland
Min Kyaw # Myanmar
Mireia Vilaplana # Spain
Mojtaba Astaneh # Iran
Natalia Rytelewska-Chilczuk # Poland
Natalie Householder # USA
Natasha Penknovich # Russia
Nicoletta Cerasomma # Italy
Nikolaos Petropoulos # Greece
Noah Mueller # USA
Nopi Isidou Sotiriadou # Greece
Nozomi Kamei # Japan
Panagiotis Lagouvardos # Greece
Panos Myxakis # Greece
Panos Vassilopoulos # Greece
Patrick Nowotny # USA
Pavlos Koutroumpas # Greece
Penny Economakis # Greece
Petra Liljestrand # Sweden
Petros Heliotis # Greece
Philip Walker # England
Prentiss Findlay # USA
Rachel Harpaz # Israel
Rania Balachouti # Greece
Remi Carbonaro # France
Reza Mozafari Manesh # Iran
Richard Harris # Australia
Roozbeh Vatankhah # Iran
Ryan Dodd # England
Sara Victoria Sandberg # Sweden
Sarah Morton # Scotland
Sebastian Schuster # New Zealand
Sonya Tanae Fort # USA
Soumin Shahrid # Bangladesh
Stefanie Gadow # Germany
Stephan Wolf # Germany
Stephen Burdett # Australia
Steve Lease # USA
Stevie Newton # Scotland
Sylvie Domergue # France
Tatiane Ertel # Brazil
Terry Scopelliti # USA
Terry Thorpe # UK
Till Schmitz # Germany
Tony Ryan # UK
Tricia Miho # USA
Vasilis Kostoulas # Greece
Vineeta Sharma # Canada
Winish Chedi # Netherlands
Wolfgang Galow # Germany