Exhibition – Black & White 2022

Photography exhibition
Black & White

Exhibition Duration:
1 April – 13 April 2022

Black & White photography has many fans for a variety of reasons. The atmosphere is completely different from that of the colored ones. Imagination can freely create new worlds with or without colors. Nothing can limit the viewers’ creativity and this is something everyone loves. According to one’s mood, a new scene is created each time. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that even the same person can experience different emotions each time they see a Black & White photograph, according to their mood at the moment. That is why B&W photographs are never dull or boring. On the contrary they are a constant source of new experiences, while at the same time they carry something form the past and they bring in mind old, forgotten memories for the older and a new point of view for the younger ones.

Participating artists:

Abel Gebray # Eritrea
Adam Barth # USA
Adia Adamopoulou # Greece
Alain Schroeder # Belgium
Alex Silver # USA
Andrew Ilachinski # USA
Anthi Kollia # Greece
Anthony Freeman # UK
Anupam Sen Choudhury # India
Awet Amine # Eritrea
Benny van der Plank # Netherlands
Bernhard W. Schmidt # Germany
Berry Bingel # Scotland
Carla Maloco # UK
Caroline Peppiatt # Germany
Charles Crain # USA
Christos Magoulas # Greece
Christos Provias # Greece
Chrysanthi Koulieraki # Greece
Clementine Smart # New Zealand
Dag Røttereng # Norway
Dean Forbes # USA
Debbie Strauss # Israel
Dimitrios Psilopoulos # Greece
Dimitris Vakaloudis # Greece
Dmitriy Belmaz # Russia-Ukrain
Doug Phillips # USA
Eduardo Almeida # Spain
Elke Matthaeus # Germany
Ellie Coulson # UK
Evangelia-Maria Gerali # Greece
Farina Nikla # Italy
Felicia Tolbert # USA
Frederic Deschenes # Canada
Gavin McGuire # New Zealand
George Bloukas # Greece
Grigoris Filippatos # Greece
Hugh Walker # Barbados
Inbal Kristin # Israel
Iordanis Keramidas # Greece
Isidoros Printezis # Greece
Janet Milhomme # USA
Jean-Paul Soujol # France
Jennifer Eddins # USA
Jenny Andreadi # Greece
Jessica Chen # USA
Jo Scheder # USA
Joao Pedro Tavares # Portugal
John P. Potter # USA
John Vlahakis # USA-Greece
Kim Keller # USA
Kirk Conrad # USA
Kristopher Schoenleber # USA
Kvapil Walter # Austria
Kyriakos Anastasopoulos # Greece
Ladka Kurzrock # Australia
Laurent Spadotto # France
Leroy Skalstad # USA
LIM Sau Kong # Malaysia
Luca Nebuloni # Italy
Maalik Rahim # USA
Margarita Samartzi # Greece
Margrieta Jeltema # Netherlands
Marilena Stamouli # Greece
Mayukh Ranjan Das # India
Merja Varkemaa # Finland
Michael R. Moore # USA
Nicholas Herrmann # UK
Nikolaos Papadakos # Greece
Noel Demulier # France
ORA # Poland
Panagiotis Lagouvardos # Greece
Panagiotis Nimvriotis # Greece
Panagiotis Pitsoulis # Greece
Patrizia Gargiulo # Italy
Pawel Pacholec # Poland
Peter Devenyi # Canada
Petros Heliotis # Greece
Philippe Roberge # Canada
Ricardo Pareyon Aveleyra # Mexico
Rick Bogacz # Canada
Rosemary Miklitsch # USA
Roshni Baker # India
Sarah Morton # Scotland
Sharlotte Fondeur-Casas # Dominican Republic
Shavit Vos # Israel
Simon Mapp # UK
Simone Arrigoni # Italy
Sofia Glytsou # Greece
Sophia Loutou # Greece
Spyros Karapanos # Greece
Stefanie Gadow # Germany
Stephan Wolf # Germany
Stephen Burdett # Australia
Steve Day # Australia
Takuhi Kramti-Sirinyan # Netherlands
Tasos Dritsos # Greece
Timothy John Parrant # Australia
Tricia Miho # Argentina
Tristan Partridge # USA-UK
Winish Chedi # Netherlands
Wolfgang Galow # Germany
Zeljko Jerneic # Croatia



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