Photography exhibition
Moments of Color
Exhibition Duration: 7 June – 19 June 2019
Color in photography can play a very important role. It can convey a lot of different meanings and emotions. It can create a whole atmosphere and narrate a different story each time. They evoke feelings and reactions. Many people like or dislake a photograph because of its colors and this is natural. Also, the perception of objects can be different according to their color. One thing cannot be denied, vivid, saturated colors always attract viewers’ attention and provoke reactions either positive or negative according to everyone’s taste, phychology and aesthetics. Not everybody will react the same way to the same color, because colors influence us on levels, nevertheless, they do react.
Participating artists:
Achilleas Petrovas # Greece
Adeline Spengler # France
Aleksandr Kutsepalov # Russia
Alessandra Garcia # Brazil
Alfons Cabrera # Catalonia
Alison Wishart # Canada
Ancuta Muresan # Romania
Anna Grevenitis # France
Aram Tanis # South Korea
Archontia – Maria Madoni # Greece
Arthur Bauer # Germany
Aydin Mehdiyev # Azerbaijan
Azim Mehdiyev # Azerbaijan
Barbara Parise # Italy-UK
Barry Bellovin # USA
Berta Ibanez # Colombia
Bryan Jolly # USA
Candace Simmons # Trinidad and Tobago
Carla Cosenza Mormile # Brazil
Caroline Peppiatt # Germany
Cathie Aalders-Taylor # Netherlands
Celia Reid # USA
Chris Woolgar # UK
Christina Perraki # Greece
Christos Kyriazis # Greece
Christos Raftakopoulos # Greece
Dan Shipp # UK
David Capibaribe # Brazil
David Czernobilsky # Israel
Davy Liger # France
Dimitris Psilopoulos # Greece
Dimitris Seitaridis # Greece
Dionysis Paraschis # Greece
Disney Rowlatt Harrod # UK
Don Kline # USA
Ela Atlig # Turkey
Eleftheria Roussou # Greece
Eleftheria Sklivaki # Greece
Elemer Lelik # Hungary
Elena Skripka # Greece
Eleni Scourakis # Greece
Elissa Title # USA
Eva Lambropoulou # Greece
Evangelia Papakostopoulou # Greece
Evelin Juen # Austria
Farhan Khan # India
Flavia Camilleri # Italy
Florinda Ruiz # Spain
Gabriele Eltschka Schiller # Austria
George Aivalis # Greece
George Kilpasis # Greece
Georgia Paraskevopoulou # Greece
Gunther Cartwright # USA
Haraldo Albergaria # Brazil
Huang Hua # China
Ilya Trofimenko # Germany
Isidoros Printezis # Greece
Ivan Lopez # Mexico
James E. Jackson # USA
Jan Truus Hasselblad # Sweden
Janis Straut # Belarus
Jeremy Bach # USA
Jo Scheder # USA
John MacKenzie # USA
Jordan Criscillis # Barbados
Jussara Nunes Pereira de Souza # Brazil
Kallol Tripathi # India
Kamrouz Saifi # Iran
Kostas Galanis # Greece
Kostis Kanarakis # Greece
Lily Chen # China
Lim Sau Kong # Malaysia
Lothar Troeller # USA
Lucy Maynard # USA
Marevi Denaxa # Greece
Margarida Palma # Portugal
Marios Papanikolaou # Greece
Mark A. Dierker # USA
Martin Holden # England
Masha Sardari # Moldova
Mattia Vaccari # Italy
Maurizio Longo # Italy
Michal Voros # Slovakia
Milan Gonda # Slovakia
Mingmei Meng # China
Murphy Mortician # Cuba
Nadide Goksun # Turkey
Natalia Lavrushina # Russia
Nelly Palasantza # Greece
Nupur Agrawal # India
Olga Merrill # Russia
Olga Portoyli # Greece
Ozge Ucoluk # Turkey
Parisa Nozari # iran
Parvathi Kumar # Canada
Pelin Guven # Turkey
Rania Balachouti # Greece
Raphael Eyraud # France
Richard Bidgood # USA
Richard Walter Molnar # USA
Ritsa Karasmanoglou # Greece
Roland Boutet # Canada
Sam Heydt # USA
Sara C. Madsen # Norway
Seth Mayer # USA
Sivapoom Yamasaki # Thailand
Stephen Mimms # USA
Suzette Dushi # Turkey
Terry Thorpe # UK
Themida Zidrou # Greece
Thomas Pickarski # USA
Traian Nechita # Romania
Wayne McGregor # UK
Wei Jian Chan # Singapore
Xavier Blondeau # France