
Your Best Shot 2022
Virtual Exhibition Catalogue
Everyone has a favourite photograph. They like them either because they remind them a very special moment in their life, or because they feel proud of the final result. 67 photographers from around the world are presented in this book, with their favourite photos. There is a variety of genres, as each photographer likes a different kind of photography and maybe specializes in it.
This is what makes this book special, the diversity of its themes.

Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 70

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Abandoned Buildings 2021
Virtual Exhibition Catalogue
Buildings of the past remain empty, standing alone, narrating stories to anyone who has the time or the mood to listen to. Each building a different story, yet the same as the final result remains the same. Photographers seem to be particularly fond of them. It is touching, though sometimes uncomfortable, to see what those places hide inside them. Bits and pieces of a previous, and probably forgotten, life are presented to the eyes of the visitors of these places.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 100

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Monochrome 2021
Virtual Exhibition Catalogue Vol. 1 & 2 (All photographers)
Monochrome photography has always been one of the most beloved genders of photography, as the lack of color can be fascinating for many people. It has never been considered as old fashioned. The existence of only one color functions as an incentive that unlocks feelings and leads viewers to new paths of realization.
Photography can be challenging and provocative both for the artists and for the viewers.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 186

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Monochrome 2021
Virtual Exhibition Catalogue Vol. 1 (Names A to K)
Monochrome photography has always been one of the most beloved genders of photography, as the lack of color can be fascinating for many people. It has never been considered as old fashioned. The existence of only one color functions as an incentive that unlocks feelings and leads viewers to new paths of realization.
Photography can be challenging and provocative both for the artists and for the viewers.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 98

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Monochrome 2021
Virtual Exhibition Catalogue Vol. 2 (Names L to Z)
Monochrome photography has always been one of the most beloved genders of photography, as the lack of color can be fascinating for many people. It has never been considered as old fashioned. The existence of only one color functions as an incentive that unlocks feelings and leads viewers to new paths of realization.
Photography can be challenging and provocative both for the artists and for the viewers.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 92

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Moments of Color 2020
Virtual Exhibition Catalogue Vol. 1 & 2 (All photographers)
Colors can be found everywhere. They play a dominant role in our lives and our psychology.
They have the power to create moods, evoke emotions, make our days brighter or duller and show the world in a different way. In this book, which has been edited in three editions, the first a comprehensive catalogue of all the artists taking part in the exhibition, and the other two containing half the artists each, color is highly celebrated.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 180

You can see the catalogue or order it here…
Moments of Color 2020
Virtual Exhibition Catalogue Vol. 1 (Names A to L)
Colors can be found everywhere. They play a dominant role in our lives and our psychology.
They have the power to create moods, evoke emotions, make our days brighter or duller and show the world in a different way. In this book, which has been edited in three editions, the first a comprehensive catalogue of all the artists taking part in the exhibition, and the other two containing half the artists each, color is highly celebrated.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 94

You can see the catalogue or order it here…
Moments of Color 2020
Virtual Exhibition Catalogue Vol. 2 (Names M to Z)
Colors can be found everywhere. They play a dominant role in our lives and our psychology.
They have the power to create moods, evoke emotions, make our days brighter or duller and show the world in a different way. In this book, which has been edited in three editions, the first a comprehensive catalogue of all the artists taking part in the exhibition, and the other two containing half the artists each, color is highly celebrated.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 98

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Your Favourite Shot
Virtual Exhibition Catalogue
Everyone has a favourite photograph. They like them either because they remind them a very special moment in their life, or because they feel proud of the final result. 110 photographers from around the world are presented in this book, with their favourite photos. There is a variety of genres, as each photographer likes a different kind of photography and maybe specializes in it.
This is what makes this book special, the diversity of its themes.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 112

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Moments of Color
Exhibition Catalogue
Color is the element that can characterize everything around us. It is very impressive when you think how much color there is around us and how important this is for our emotions and feelings. Colors can define our mood, our feelings and our aesthetics. Bright and vivid colors make us feel happy, optimistic and full of energy, while dark, dull colors make us feel depressed, without energy or interest for life. This is why people are always attracted to color.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 108

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Exhibition Catalogue
Landscape photography has the ability to take us to far away places. We travel through it to unknown worlds and we see magnificent natural features we would not have been able to see otherwise. That is one of the reasons why Landscape photography so beloved. It will never be boring or dull, even if the places we see are known, as the photographic lens has the magic power to transform something well known to us into something extremely beautiful.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 94

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Black & White
Exhibition Catalogue
Black & White photography will always have its fans. Probably it attracts more viewers than any other genre of photography, and this comes as no surprise to anyone. Photographs without color appeal to many people, as the atmosphere they have is totally different from their color equivalent ones and this is something everyone finds interesting. This new atmosphere has always something to provoke people’s imagination and emotion.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 106

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Fine Art
Exhibition Catalogue
“Fine Art” Photography is the presentation of another aspect of the world that surrounds us. It is the expression of the artists and their artistic view of what reality could or should be like. It is always interesting and intriguing both for the artist and for the viewers. “Fine Art” photographs do not always appeal to our aesthetic criteria, but are an artistic product that cannot be ignored by anyone.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 102

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People & Winter
Exhibition Catalogue
Nature can be very impressive especially in winter, when the landscape is totally transformed into somenthing new and completely unknown. But not only lanscapes change in winter. Everything is different during this season, that’s is what makes winter so interesting. Things can be both pleasant and unpleasant during this season and many photographers have chosen to present these situations to the public who are always interested in seeing them, especially when what they see is far different from what they experience themselves.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 74

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Landscapes 2017
Exhibition Catalogue
Nature can be very impressive. There are parts of the world that can take our breath away. This beauty has motivated many photographers, both professionals and amateurs, who are keen on depicting it. There is always a part of nature worth shooting closer than we can imagine. All that is needed for a remarkable photograph to be taken is the right moment.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 100

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Black & White 2017
Exhibition Catalogue
Black and white photographs are directly speaking to the people’s emotions. Deprived of color, they have a unique way of conveying feelings with a remarkable strength. People see beyond the image and they experience a new reality, more beautiful and meaningful most of the times.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 100

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Travel 2017
Exhibition Catalogue
Travelling around the world and visiting different places is a habit that makes people feel active and full of new experiences. Taking photographs while travelling is a habit that can sometimes give some exceptional results. Some wonderful photos have been taken during these trips.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 90

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Portraits in B&W
Exhibition Catalogue
Portraits of people are always interesting to watch, as there are many things one can realize just by watching a face. There are so many emotions depicted and the lack of color makes things more intense. There are so many phases and each one of them has a different story to tell.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 90

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Fine Art 2017
Exhibition Catalogue
“Fine Art” Photography is a personal way photographers express themselves, their own perspective. What each artist can see through a photograph they have made is totally personal and, sometimes, very far from what we, simple viewers see.
That is why “Fine Art” photographs are always so interesting and intriguing.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 92

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Moments of color
Exhibition Catalogue
The colors around us play an important part in our everyday life. They can change our mood or even our perception of the world around us. It is not surprising then, that it is one of the elements that can create such stunning photographs.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 94

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Exhibition Catalogue
Cities all over the world have common elements as well as differences. The way of life is fast and impersonal most of the times, but there are always personal, intimate moments that catch the eye of the passer by and provoke tender feelings. When a photographer’s camera catches such snapshots, this is a most fortunate moment.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 44

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Exhibition Catalogue
People’s expressions always tell us about their thoughts and emotions. It is very interesting to examine a face and see how it changes according to the person’s thoughts and feelings. The window of our soul is open to anyone who has the patience and will to see through it and that’s what the photographers’ lenses do most of the times.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 44

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Street Photography
Exhibition Catalogue
Candid and spontaneous photographs of everyday life giving the atmosphere of the city. What matters in these photographs is the depiction of life in various cities around the world. It is fascinating to see how different life can be in big cities around the world. People in the streets in various moments are the main theme of Street Photography.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 44

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Exhibition Catalogue
Some of the most beautiful and impressive places on earth are presented. Skillful artists give us the opportunity to admire their work and see unique landscapes photographed all over the world. It is amazing how many different and impressive places can be found on Earth.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 44

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Black & White
Exhibition Catalogue
“Black & White” photography has some very impressive images to show. Sometimes it is very interesting to see everyday situations deprived of color. It feels as if it is something totally different from what we experience on our daily life. It even becomes hard to recognize the place and that is what makes the whole thing so intriguing.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 44

You can see the catalogue or order it here…
Fine Art
Exhibition Catalogue
“Fine Art” photography is the photographers’ way of expressing themselves. They manage to communicate their perception of the world around them to all of us through their art. “Fine Art” has always been a glimpse into the artists’ mind and that is why it is so interesting.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 44

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Exhibition Catalogue
Travelling around the world and photographing everything that attracts attention is a highly loved habit photographers have. It is always interesting to see what artists have chosen to show people with the help of the camera from their trips to various places they visit.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 44

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Exhibition Catalogue
The dynamic presence of color in our lives is something no one can ignore. Colors can be found everywhere around us giving a special meaning to our everyday moments and have been a source of inspiration for many artists around the world.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 44

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Exhibition Catalogue
Taking photographs of people is a big challenge to all photographers, regardless of where they come from. All over the world, shooting people and depicting their mood, emotions and the feelings they experience at a certain moment is highly interesting, not only for the artists but for the viewers as well, as portraits are the map of the human psyche.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 44

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Exhibition Catalogue
Change is everywhere around us. Our world is changing and we are changing. It is always interesting to see these changes depicted, especially after some time has gone by. This is what this exhibition offers its viewers, a retrospect glimpse of the past.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 44

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Exhibition Catalogue
The lack of color is fascinating for many people.
Photographers have always found it challenging because a range of
completely new emotions can be created as a result. New perspectives and views
can easily be provoked by monochrome photography.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 44

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Exhibition Catalogue
The human body is worshiped and presented in a variety of ways.
People have been shot in various poses. The lines and the shapes of the human body
are presented through a game of light and shadow.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 44

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Dreamlike Landscapes
Exhibition Catalogue
Photographs presenting the world around us covered in a veil of mystery,
revealing what can be seen only with the eyes of the mind.
A totally new angle of viewing the world is given.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 44

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Street Photography
Exhibition Catalogue
Candid and spontaneous photographs giving the atmosphere of the city and everyday life.
People in the streets, lost in their own thoughts.
They might be surrounded by people but they experience their own reality.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 44

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Exhibition Catalogue
Winter is many people’s favorite season.
Family atmosphere, Christmas, snow. All these things create the magic of winter.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 44

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Black & White
Exhibition Catalogue
Black and white photography is the projection of reality under a different prism.
The absence of color sometimes creates feelings of melancholy and gives us a different atmosphere of the world around us.
Softcover # Dimensions: Square # Pages: 44

You can see the catalogue or order it here…